Dear authors,
The conference organisers would like to inform you that your paper "A study on the ugc business strategy in Korea" submitted for presentation at the European Regional ITS conference in Istanbul has been accepted by the Programme Committee. Please read the reviewers comments carefully and consider them when writing /revising the paper.
Full papers need to reach us by 31 July so that they can be included in the conference CD-Rom.
Please confirm that you will present the paper at the conference. Only with this confirmation and with the registration of at least one of the authors as a conference participant, the paper will appear in the conference programme. Please let us know immediately if you decide now (or at a later point in time) not to present the paper.
Best wishes
Brigitte Preissl
Dr. Brigitte Preissl
Senior Economist
Deutsche Telekom AG
Corporate Academic Relations
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140, 53113 Bonn, Germany
P.O. Box 2000, 53105 Bonn, Germany
Phone +49 (0)228 181-99510
Fax +49(0)228 181-99599
(See attached file: 58.doc)