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영어동요) The more we get together

by mrs.park 2013. 8. 20.
2주에 한번하는 스토리타임은 꼬박꼬박 출석해도 매번 오랫만에 다녀온것같다. 오늘은 우크라이나에서 온 이쁜 엄마와 아기를 사귀었음. ^^

The more we get together

The more we get together,
Together, together,
The more we get together,
The happier we'll be.

‘Cause your friends are my friends,
And my friends are your friends.
The more we get together,
The happier we'll be.
Oh, the more we get together,
Together, together,
The more we get together,
The happier we'll be.

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